My Life

Proverbs 27:19 (NLT) As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

I'm still here

G’day mate!
As you can see by the many pictures, Thursday was a very eventful day! I went to my Auntie Karen and Uncle Haden’s house, well cottage. You see they live in this place called Kelp (I think) and it is pretty much in the middle of nowhere, just farmland. The man with the dog is a neighbor one of ten…you see in this little town there are only ten other houses. Anyway, to pass some time my Uncle decided it would be nice for my dad and I to go on a walk to a river. It was a little chilly but it was definitely worth it. On the way to the ridiculously long road that led to the river…there was this church. I was really surprised that they had a church in a town that small. They had NO stores and one pub… what an exciting place to live! Finally we reached the river..It looked soo pretty out there…all icy and snowy and the clouds were absolutely amazing! It was one of God’s beautiful creations. It was soo peaceful and quite out their..I’m soo used to the busyness of the city, and traffic….so to spend a day in the country side was really nice…I don’t think I could live their though..TOO quite! After our long walk, I showed them pictures of my house on my laptop and I was trying to convince them to get a computer…My Uncle uses them at work but doesn’t really like them. I don’t understand why…anyway, I can’t believe I have only been on the Internet twice!!!! Oh my, I don’t think you realize how useful and addicting the computer is until you don’t have it. I challenge whoever reads this to try to not use your computer for just one day..I bet you will struggle, especially if you are on blogger.
Saturday I went to a Pantomime..I had no idea what the heck it ment but I guess it was ok for what it was..


  • At 6:40 PM, Blogger Mhairi said…

    Pantomime's rock!!! I grew up being in and watching pantomime's! So jealous, so silly, they are just cool, memories and all thay jazz. It was just ok? Are you in England, that's why it was just so, so; plus all the jokes will be British stuff, taking the mick of current British personalities.
    Safe trip home - can't wait to hear your stories - I know you have some.

  • At 9:22 PM, Blogger Larry said…

    Warden Allison,

    It looks like a great place you are visiting. Nowhere is sometimes a great place to be. Solitude is often good for your soul. As for pantomimes, got no clue what they are. Are they silent? Maybe the Lord is telling you something>

    Enjoy your trip home. My new post is up.



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