My Life

Proverbs 27:19 (NLT) As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.

Monday, January 09, 2006

New York City/Hempstead

I was in the city tonight for youth band tonight. I seemed to enjoy it more then ever. It was so much fun and I liked all the music we played for once. Anyway, I was waiting outside DHQ with my sister (My dad was getting the car.) As I was standing there an older looking man, smoking something walked by us, looked at the Salvation Army sign and started cursing and saying mean things about the Army. My sister was on the phone so she didn't say anything but neither did I. What is there to say? How on earth do you repsond to such nasty comments? Well I know one way to answer it but its not very Christian like to do, so I didn't do it. What do you do in a situation like that?
Anyway on a lighter note, I was reading the GNY music and creative arts review for the year and found a paragraph on a boy who attends my church. It said this..."Christopher Ward reports on Baquan Lewis an eight year old who lives on Terrace Avenue across the street from the Hempstead corps. He comes from tough home circumstances and is exposed to was more than an eight year old should be. He started attending Sunday School about four years ago and when he became a regular he was allowed to be part of the Kids cafe program. He now is singing in the Singing Company and has joined the music theory class. He recently attended the GNY Music and Creative Arts camp (Star Lake) and returned expressing a desire to play a brass instrument and in September he started to take cornet lessons. Baquan realizes what a privilege it is to be part of this program and more importantly he is learning what it is to be a christian." What a story! I have personally seen an amazing change in Baquan. He used to be the "trouble maker" starting fights, cursing etc. Recently, escpecially after Star Lake and when he started playing an insturment I have seen an amazing change in him. He doesn't fight anymore and when he gets frusterated one of the leaders just tells him to close his eyes and take a deep breath and he calms down. I love this kid so much. He keeps talking about camp and how he can't wait to go back and that he wants to stay all summer. I feel bad for him though. The circumstances his has to live in is not fair. He is exposed to guns, drugs, alcohol on a daily basis, it is normal to him.
One day Mrs.Ditmer and I were driving him to a party and we were going through a wealthy area and he kept saying I'm going to have a house like that one day. Mrs.Ditmer said to him, do you have Jesus in your heart? He said YES, and then she said well there is already a mansion waiting for you in heaven. God is saving a place for all who believe in Him in His mansion. His eyes lit up and he said really!? Baquan Lewis is such a blessing to me. This is jsut one story of the many that are hapening at Hempstead Citadel..Thank you Lord!!!


  • At 10:05 PM, Blogger Larry said…


    The way to have less angry men is to continue to pray that the church will through God's Spirit produce more Baquans who are learning to love Jesus.

    Glad you are home. Much love.


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