Labor Day Camp Meetings
Saturday morning I slowly walked up to Hilltop complex enjoying the serenity, quietness and beauty of Star Lake Camp. As I sat in the giant tent on the ball field in a band rehearsal I watched the loads of cars and buses pull up and hundreds of people flood out and all over the camp 1,500 people to be exact. So much for the quietness!! Even I was a bit overwhelmed at how many people were at camp. All morning and afternoon were fun and games. The first meeting opened with a big bang! We burst out into song about revival, it was very simple but powerful.
I want a revival in my soul
I want a revival in my soul
I want to be washed in the Blood of Jesus
I want a revival in my soul
Send down the rain (oh glory)
Send down the rain (oh glory)
Send down the gospel rain
Send down the rain (oh glory) 3x's
After that we had the privelege of National Commander Commissioner Israel Gaither preach about Revival and expanding our tent. He preached from the book of Isaiah 54:1-4 1 "Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband," says the LORD. 2 "Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. 3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.4 "Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.
It was absolutely amazing how I couldn't not pay attention. Have you ever heard a speaker where you were sitting on the edge of you seat listening to every single word and soaking it in?? I didn't look at my watch once! It was insane! He was encouraging us to go out into the world and not be afraid to bring people to the corps and tell them about Jesus. My favorite part in those verses is Do not be afraid, you will not suffer shame! AWESOME! I think he is my all time favorite preacher.. well one of them :)
After that meeting I quickly ran (literally) down to the campfire where my best friends band was playing. They were awesome. We had so much fun roasting marshmellows, making smores, giving testimonies and praising Jesus. It was an awesome time for the teens. I would do it again in a hearbeat. After that I stayed up really late talking with people that I don't see much. It was fun!
Sunday morning it was a little hard for me to wake up, which was completely my fault. :) Again we had the priveledge of listening to Commissioner Israel Gaither. He preached about dry bones. Ezekiel 37:1-10 1 The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. 2 He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. 3 He asked me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" I said, "O Sovereign LORD, you alone know." 4 Then he said to me, "Prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath [a] enter you, and you will come to life. 6 I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.' " 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them. 9 Then he said to me, "Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.' " 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.
He talked about how people are carrying bags of dry bones and they need to let them go. It was very powerful. Our corps members joined together in a circle of prayer during the alter call. It was awesome. I could see that he had spoke to many of the people in my corps family. Our time of prayer brought many of us to tears, which made me cry.. ofcourse!
As for the afternoon meeting, well it's always exciting. The cadets walked in and Commisioner Eva Gaither gave them the charge andthen Izzy preached a bit and then had us praise some more. He had the youth chorus sing We Are Not Ashamed THREE TIMES! It was fun though. He had those who really ment what they were singing to come to the front and hundreds of people were up out of their seats singing with us. It was awesome.
It was an amazing weekend and it officially marked the end of my summer.
Today was my first day of my senior year of high school. It is so easy for me during the summer to be completely focused on Jesus and in the word everyday but now that everything is starting again it's hard to keep focus. Please pray for me as I go through this school year applying to colleges and busy with everything that goes on in the division and at the corps. I really need to stay focused and on the right path.
thanks :)
At 7:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'm right there with you allison :) i love you to death!
At 9:26 PM,
Kat said…
Praise God! It sounds like you had an amazing time!
At 8:50 PM,
Erin said…
I am praying for you. love you :)
At 9:38 PM,
Steve D said…
hey - just read all your stuff since last may. what a blessing to red your views and experiences!! thanks for sharing.
you are loved - your CO
At 7:58 AM,
BrownEyedGirl said…
You are a blessing! Was great to see you in Harlem!!Love you.
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