The Siren Call of A Dangerous God
Lately I have been reading alot. I just finished a book called "Who's Child is This?" by Bill Wilson. This is will blog about later :)
I just finished another book called "The Siren Call of a Dangerous God" written by Geoff Ryan. I actually met Geoff's wife Sandra in Italy when the Youth Band was there. She was the guest speaker for this youth weekend held in Italy. It is a SMALL world! haha.. Anyway I borrowed this book from Mhairi. It is a quick read, I suggest you read it if you haven't already. The book is awesome!! It really caught my attention by chapter two.
Young and Unafraid.
Give fire that makes men heroes, turn weakness into might,
The fire that gives the courage to suffer for the fight,
The fire that changes fearing to pentecostal daring,
The fire that makes me willing for Christ to live or die..
The world for God! The world for God!
I give my heart! I will do my part!
-Evangeline Booth
"A late victorian hymn with new life breathed into it by a fiery melody fashioned by a young British musician. I sang it with conviction and abandon and fervor along with several hundred others at a missions conference for young people. We sang it very well with enthusiasm and gusto, with eyes closed and faces upturned beseeching-demanding even-satisfaction of our God, some with raised fists and many, many with tears.
But did we mean it? As a friend of mine pointed out to me-Christians do not usually tell lies, but we often sing them.
Were we lying or was it just another terminal case of youthful euphoria, the strength of our convictions being no match for the stength of our emotions? Was our singing not ragged around the edges witha whiff of fear? What if we actually had to become heroes, live lives of pentecostal daring, make the choice between living or dying? What if our hearts were asked of us, our lives?"
hmm..makes me think. This excerpt is soo true. There are many times when you are in church just like he was and you are so on fire for God and ready to make a difference and then you go home and it's back to the same old same old! I know I'm guilty of it. Over these past couple months I have really been challenged by people and by God. God has given me a heart to want more and go further. He's taught me to not settle for mediocrity. All these songs we sing, if we don't mean them with our whole heart and carry out the duty that we are singing to God then we are like the book said, lying. Sad but true.
So what do we do? How do we live out the songs that we are singing?
I can't wait to start reading Geoff Ryan's other book "Sowing Dragons"